
Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Next Step - Visa!

Once I registered with SWAP, they said they'd email me a welcome package within 2-3 days. It arrived the next day which impressed me! In it are all the steps to apply for my Youth Mobility Visa.

Visa's are not an short process:
-I have 2 lengthy forms to fill out
-I have to get passport photos (for my visa, I already have a passport)
-I have to mail in my passport, as well as any expired passports or a written explanation of where my expired passports are
-I have to have a bank statement showing I have enough funds to support myself before I get a job
-I also have to go to Vancouver to get my fingerprints and digital photograph taken.. and the centre is not open on weekends. Looks like I'll be skipping class folks.

And these are just the things I remember off the top of my head!
I also have to get these things done in the next 2 weeks so that my visa has time to be processed, and returned etc. Guess I'm going to be a busy girl in the next while, balancing this with all my school work!

More exciting news!
As soon as I was registered, SWAP was able to give me information on applying to work during the Olympics. I sent in an application yesterday, and they want me to submit an interview video!
Taken from

Encouragement has come from everywhere, which is wonderful! I've had offers of contacts from multiple places, not just my own family. Also, within one day of my blog being up I've had over 100 views, and visitors from 7 countries (including Canada)! I don't even know people from one of the countries (Spain)!

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